I would die for you
Lay down my life for you
The only thing, that means everything to me
Cause when you're in my arms
You make me prouder than
Anything I ever could achieve
And you make everything
That used to seem so big
Seem to be so small since you arrived
On angel's wings
An angelical formation
Angel's wings
Like letters in the sky
Now I know
No matter what the question
Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings
And I often wondered why
Someone as flawed as I
Deserves to be as happy as you make me
So as the years go by
I'll be there by your side
I'll follow you, wherever your heart takes me
Cause you make everything that used to seem so big
Seem to be so small since you arrived
On angel's wings
An angelical formation
Angel's wings
Like letters in the sky
Now I know
No matter what the question
Love is the answer
It's written on angel's wings
Now anyone who's felt the touch
Of heaven in their lives
Will know the way I'm feeling
Looking in my baby's eyes
That's why I can't bare to be too far away
I know that God must love me
Cause he sent you to me
On angel's wings
what i do_ what i feel_ what i see_ what i want_ what i have_ what i know_ that's what i write...
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
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